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Vanessa walked into the apartment and slowly took her shoes off; Smilez had worked her ass over real good. She walked over and just collapse on the couch, bag and all still in hand. I sat the food on the coffee table and walked to my bedroom and got some Icy hot out of my top drawer. Then I walked into the bathroom and ran her a hot bath. I walked back in the living room to see her ass damn near slobbing on my couch. I bent over and tapped her knee.

" Baby wake up and go in the tub," I told her.

She opened one eye and looked at me.

" Do I have to go now?" she asked me.

I laughed and shook my head yes. I helped her up and watched as she made her way into the bathroom.

" When you come back bring the Icey hot that is on the bathroom sink and ill rub you down. I left it in there when I was running yo bath," I called after her.

I'm not sure if she heard me or not but it didn't matter. I opened the bag and pulled out my pancake breakfast. I sat down on the floor and started to eat when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was my sister Amani.

I sighed and answered the phone; she has been blowing the shit out of my line all morning. I probably should have answered the first 3 times she called. But I was in a meeting. I slid the green button on my touch screen across to the other side and put the phone to my ear.

" Yo!" I said, and picked up some pancakes and sausge with my fork and placed it in my mouth.

" Is that how you were taught to answer the phone Alesha?" she asked me.

I can tell she was trying to joke with me to break the ice but that shit wasn't happening.

" I was taught but just not by your moms," I told her and reached for the remote.

She sighed on the line of the phone.

" Alesha I am really trying to make shit good between us. But I can't do it alone. I know my actions where wrong. I was just following mommy and Airi. I was just young an impressionable back then..." she paused.

It sounded like she was about to break down crying.

" I still dream about that day. I always see the expression of hate, and betrayal on your face. That image is forever with me. It's the only way I remember seeing you," She said and started to sniff.

She was crying. I just shook my head. I guess she was truly hurt and now held hell of remorse in her heart. I got up and threw the empty container that held my food into the trash. I saw Nessa walk out of the bedroom holding the Icy hot, she made her way to the living room and handed it to me. She pointed to her back and took her shirt off.

" Alesha.. Do you think you will be ever to forgive me?" Amani asked me.

She had calmed down. I sighed and started to rub down my baby's back.

" To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't give a fuck how young you thought you was. You knew right from wrong. And that shit was just wrong. Then it took you almost a fucking decade to say sorry or even want to come in contact with me," I said and finished rubbing down Nessa. I walked in the kitchen and washed my hands.

I didn't know she followed me in there until I looked up. She held this expression of concern on her face.

" Alseha can we just at least try to forgive and forget?" She asked me.

I sighed and banged my fist lightly on the kitchen counter. She was driving me insane. I guess she was really trying to resolve this shit.

" Fuck Amani. No. I can't forgive and forget. It's either one of the other," I semi- yelled.

Which cause Nessa to jump. She looked up at me from her food.

" Alesha," Nessa said to me.

She gave me that momma look. I guess I was working her nerves.

" Okay. Fine I will try to forgive you. Since you are making efforts to include me back into your life. But I will never forgive that bitch, and her oldest," I said.

" Okay Alesha. Don't forget be here at 5," Amani said.

She sounded a little disappointed that I wasn't welling to forgive them.

" Aite," I said and hung up the phone.

I threw it on the counter.

" Baby?" I looked up and Vanessa.

" Come lay with me," she said as she threw her wrapper in the trash.

She grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom so we could lay down in the bed.

" Ace, I know this shit is gonna be hard for you. But I am glad you are going to try," She said and kissed my cheek before she laid her head on my chest.

She drifted off to sleep. I wasn't that far behind her. FUCK! Its gonna be a fucked up day.

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