Jasmine's Breakdown

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I woke back up and Kasen was still cuddling me,for some reason I didnt wanna lose this touch so I stayed there. I reached over and got my phone and I had a text from Jasmine. Ever since her fight with Jaharee she been down and out. She sent me text about joining some mexican gang . I didnt want her to because I dont like the gang she was trying to join. I texted her and told her I would meet up with her later. When I got done texting her I looked over at Kasen. When he is having a good dream he smirks and I find that so cute. I kissed his nose and he woke up. He gave me a smile and pulled me closer. He kissed my neck and started laughing. "What you laughing for?" I ask. He smiles and says "You will see later". He then got up did his routine and picked out his outfit. He had on a camouflage shirt black levis and camouflage chucks. I decided to go with a black and purple shirt,black skinny jeans and my black and purple chucks.

*20 minutes later*

I walked downstairs and the smell of bacon hit me. I walked into the kitchen and Kasen was there smoking a blunt. I never thought I would do it but I took the blunt out his hand and blew smoke in his face. I didnt know why but I felt the need to laugh. I ate my food and I walked to the car. We got in and off we went to school.

We got there a couple minutes later and I waited on Jasmine to come. I waited a good 10 minutes and she didnt show I decided to give her til lunch. We walked to first period but for some reason I knew something wasnt right. I told Kasen I was going home and he told me to be safe. I gave him a kiss and ran to my hummer. When I was inside I dialed Jasmine number and it went straight to voicemail.

I started the car and sped off. When I got to her house I knocked and knocked. Then I turned the knob and it was already open. I didnt trust it so I ran back to the car and got the pistol from under the seat. I walked up to her room and she was laid out on the bed. I walked over and I saw the perscription pills in her hand. I dialed 9-1-1 and dragged her downstairs when I got her down their I decided to perform CPR I aint never kissed a girl but at the moment I didnt know what to do. I pumped her chest and then tried to put some air in her throat. It wasnt working. The ambulance pulled up and 2 men put her on a stretcher. I ran to my hummer and sped off to the hospital.

When I got there they had rushed her to surgery. I felt like I was in the waiting room forever. When the doctor came out I couldnt tell if the news was good or bad. "We had to pump her stomach" He tells me. "Why?" I ask. "She had mixed her perscription with acohol." he says. Man I couldnt believe at the moment I wanted to kill Jaharee. I was still in the waiting room when my phone went off. It was Kasen. I told him to meet me at the hospital.

*10 minutes later.*

He came in with his eyes low. He came over and gave me the biggest hug. He held my hand and we waited for more news. A couple hours later the doctor came back out and told us we could see her. I literally ran to the room eager to see my second half. She was looking weak and in pain. I smiled at her and she gave me a weak smile. "I kissed yo crazy ass trying to perform CPR" I said. "ewww black beautyqueen I got Kasen lips on me" She says weakly. We laugh and talk a little while longer. When my chicka's mom came she was crying. Me and her mom dont get along but our love for her is the same even though she didnt come from my vagina. (too much i know) Her mom signed the release papers and she took her home. Me and Kasen decided to order chinese food and watch movies.

When we got home he ordered and I picked movies. We ended up watching Ghetto Stories,Menace II Society and all the classic gangster movies. We sat there for a couple hours when I decided to take my butt to sleep. I had just realized I had been sleeping alot lately.

* I was in the writing mood so There you guys go but Ive really been sleeping alot lately is that bad but guys this story is ok i guess well more to come* Destini♥

Thug Love: Team Kasen or Team Jacob (completed but being edited)Where stories live. Discover now