Wale and Natural Beauty

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I don't know how many of you know who Wale actually is--- but he's a rapper on Rick Ross's label. One of the most amazing things about Wale is his music is so inspiring and people put him in a category of, I guess female rap. Because a lot of his songs uplift and honor women.

Last week on Instagram he posted the photo in the m/m. Someone actually brought it to my attention on here. It was met with mix emotion. I guess about three reactions.

1. People praised him for defending women who believe that they are beautiful they were they were created

2. He was attacked for hypocrisy. Even though I don't see how. Because all his songs mainly  are female
Positive and his ex-girlfriend was a beautiful natural woman. 

3. Attacked for trying to tell women what they should do with their bodies. Even the model in the pic got upset and said that's "why listen to future." Petty bruh. 😂😂😂😂

I want us to discuss a couple of things...

1. Your reaction to the pic

2. How important is that the celebs we love, especially males post things like this and actually live it out? It may not be important at all:

3. And why do you think he got so much hate from women when he was only trying to be positive? They were going in, but he responded respectfully to them.

4. Any other thing you have to say.

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