Funny Wattpad Comments

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So I had a break in between class and sometimes I go back and read comments on some of my books.

Even the ones that are completed because new readers come and people still leave comments.

Well I was reading the comments in the publicist. And it's a chapter where Jazz the main character is leaving for Africa, after having a huge falling out with August because he cheated on her and had a baby with someone else. And
Earlier in the book he almost died of Kidney failure.

Anyway, August is giving this huge I'm
Sorry speech over the airport intercom to get her back and a reader name SparkleJacks made a comment that made my freaking day.

She said - this speech is as weak as ya kidneys.  😂😂😂😂

I laughed so hard folks was looking at me.

Anybody else got funny wattpad comments they've seen or had on their stories they want to share. Please make our Day by doing so.

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