Sister Submission Update

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Here's an update guys from Fat_Vanity_ about the trip she went on .


Hopefully you guys remember my submission from a couple of weeks ago.. I was planning to go on a trip to see a guy friend of mines, and I was afraid that I might sleep with him.. So I thought about self imprisonment lol, it sounds so childish when I say it now. But the weekend was a success and no panties were dropped! No trojans were used! Every thing is still in tact! Simply because I took you girls advice, and I was simply honest with him, he laughed at first because I told him I felt the need to run, hide, and take shield.

But everything worked out for the best although I was kinda overdramatic lol. We made it work out smoothly, however I didn't take the extra room I actually slept with him, and it was nice. The only thing I would say I didn't like is the fact that he held me like I was truly going to sneak out in the middle of the night and run.. At first it was cute until I had to use the bathroom... It was like wrestling with a bear 😩..

But anyway I simply wanted to thank you guys because honesty was the best policy ❤

Oh and thank you Des! For y'know making it a way that we can ask for advice in a judge free environment!

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