Daily Check In/ Blind Date Update

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Hey Guys,

So I just noticed it's been a minute since a Daily Check-In so I decided to make a chapter for you guys.

And I know you may or may not have been wondering about what's going on with my blind date.

So here is the tea, well it's not really tea lol. Just an update.

So far we've  talked every day even if we don't physically see each other. He's from Alabama so he spent the holiday with his family down there. What's funny is, I would have never known he was from Alabama because he doesn't have an accent.

Like you know how August goes in and out of his accent depending on who he's around, and even when it's not on 100 he still has an accent, like my guy doesn't have one at all.

We were Facetiming and I could hear his family in the background and baby they had accents but he doesn't. I find that interesting. Maybe he's been up north too long. (Up north - that just sounded like some old slavery stuff 😂😂)

Anyway, so he came back last night and this morning we went to brunch. You can tell he's older already "brunch" was his idea. 😂😂😂

So we're at brunch and I pull a Crystal Westbrooks. Sorry I love that show. Morgan's my fav. But Crystal did this thing where she asked the guy she liked these questions. It was sorta lame and awkward the way she did it. But I said what the hell do I have to lose.

So I googled questions and this thing came up in the New York Times about a guaranteed way to fall in love or get closer by asking these questions. I actually used it for an update in my book leap of faith.

Anyway, pic in the m/m. You guys should check it out and read on it. It's not just for lovers but friends. Family. Anyone you want to get to know better
And be closer to.

And based off the answers you'll know whether they are a good fit.

I must say I was skeptical at first about these questions working. But I feel so much closer to him and it sorta confirmed that he really is a good match for me.

I noticed from the questions he's very perceptive, which is a little bit scary. He notices things about me that I don't pay attention to.

Like one of the questions was - Tell your partner what you like about them: be honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.

And he said that I have this sorta purity of heart.

And I asked him what he meant by that.

And he said that when you're a baby your heart is pure. That's why when you see a baby smile or laugh it's contagious Because it's this raw joy. But he said as we go through life our heart becomes hardened due to the people we encounter, experiences we endured. And he said, somehow you've been through a lot, but your heart hasn't hardened. And it's not only admirable but it's amazing to see.

And I asked him was it easy to pick up on that.

And he said yeah.

And I told him how
I had been feeling- like what I told you guys. Because I never told him
That. It's too early. You never wanna just break down and just be that vulnerable with someone you barely know. People can take advantage of that. But these questions had led us to be open.

And he said that, that's just the nature of people. Because most people are out for self so their going to do whatever it is to fulfill their own needs even if it means taking advantage of you.

And I asked him how do you protect yourself from snakes then.

He said you don't change your heart, you just have to learn whose deserving and whose not. And stop giving it to people who don't deserve it. Friends. Family. Whoever.

I don't know. He could actually be an angel or the devil In disguise. Either way, I like him a lot. 😍

Only time will tell which one he is tho. 😩🤗

If you want to know about what's going on with us, let me know. I don't mind doing updates.

And yes we kissed today and it was as good as patti pie. Pattttttiiiiiiiii!

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