Sister submission- first love problems

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Babies please if you email your submission it WILL get posted. I have a whole bunch and more are getting added each day. I'm doing it in the order it was sent. I'm like a week and a half behind. Please bare with me. Don't dm me your submission, just say you have one and I'll give you my email to send it to. It's easier to copy and paste that way.


Tag her y'all it won't let me! 🙄

Hey y'all, my name is Symone and I'm currently 17. I've been dealing with this boy since I was 13 and he was 15,on and off, you know like that puppy love? We had that lol. He became the typical hood boy as we grew up and I was still that good girl who was known as his 'Lil girlfriend' but thats what everybody saw us as, they never really knew what went on behind closed doors. We fought verbally and physically over dumb shit, you know... The usual random girls and such. This nigga is my first love, so all I knew was him. I didn't care about the car he had or the money, I actually love him.

Enough of that, he cheated on me with the girl he said was his best friend and she ended up pregnant, I went on a damn rampage. Little fifteen year old me, let my friends get in my head and convinced me to get a bat and fuck up his car, so that's what I did. So in school the next day, I'm in the lunch room and he literally ran to my table and hit me. We ended up fighting.... Again.

That was a year and a few months ago, we're older now. I realized how he used to treat me wasn't the way my father treated my mother and it was wrong.

He apologized not to long ago and I feel dumb for still having feelings for him. He's no good then and he's into the streets heavier now.

My question is, should I let him go? Or should we start over? How can I explain to him that what we had was stupid and that I don't want it no more despite the fact that some part of me do?

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