Carving Out Your Happy Space

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I think it's important to everyday or at least once a week carve out your happy space.

What I mean by that is this.

This morning as I was on my way to class, I watched a show called Friday Night Lights  on my phone while on the train. It's an older show but it's sooo good. And mike b Jordan is in the 4th

I looked up and noticed someone was looking at  me and I wondered why. Then I realized I had this huge ass cheesy smile plastered on my face the entire time I was watching one of the episodes.

I didn't notice I was looking like a crazy person smiling  till the person looked at me. 😂😂😂

Anyway, I got off the train and as I was walking I realized watching that show made me so happy.

That simple act of watching a show
Made me smile without noticing.

And I begin to think --- what other simple things made me happy.

I made a list. It included things, simple
Things that I could do alone. That would make me happy.

And I also going to commitment to doing those things at least once a week.

I urge you girls to do the same. Sometimes life can really drag us down, but it's up to us to carve out our happy space with things we can do alone that can make us happy. And i say alone, because we have to learn to not allow our happiness to be dependent on people.

I never want to be one of those people that unless my man is around or friends, I can't be happy. It's so many people like that.

I want to be able to be happy with or without them.

What does your list look like?

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