Sister Submission - should we go to prom together

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Guys if someone has asked a question similar please don't resubmit one just alike. Take the advice giving to them and apply it to your situation.

Tag her y'all, it won't let me.

Hey I am @_QueenKe

So all my life I've been quiet and to myself. I always had crushes but never acted on them. But my sixth grade year I met this boy, who we will call Sj. I was 11 years old. I was immediately attached at the age of 13 because of his look, his playful ways, and also because of his sensitive side. He was my first big crush and first kiss. Years later I even participate in sexual activities with him ( not sex lol I'm a happy virgin #closedhotpocket) but I was always manage to be put on the back burner. He never asked me out although we acted like bf and gf...Wait...He did ask me out but I was 14 and my momma didn't play that sh*t so that was out of the question.. I had to tell him no and it broke my heart. People though we were dating that's how bad it was. But he would always get a gf and still talk to me....... And yes I know that awful but I still did it anyways. I felt like we weren't together because of me telling him no that one time (plus him being sacred of my huge dad and three older brothers)  ... I was very naïve and I just didn't care ( Its was middle school year)

So I would cut him off every now and then but since his family and my family are close, it was very easy for him to find his way back in to my life. fast forward about 4 year we're both 17 and seniors in high school... we have some conversation about having a relationship but I feel its to late plus he puts on a show about how he don't me like that in front of his mom ( who love me and would love for us to be together 😊)

I just feels like he uses me for attention when he can't get it from other girls and I have almost given him my virginity three times... I refused to give it to someone who doesn't care about me .... But at the same times he is the most sweetest when he isn't busy with school and playing baseball. He shows he cares a lot then sometimes it seems he's confused...I wanna move on but I just find it so hard to do so... Because I know he'll forever be in my life due to our family
what I should do  ?

Plus prom is coming up!!! And our parents wants us to go but I don't wanna go with someone who is confused on what he wants. I need help ASAP!

Girl TalkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora