For Colored Girls

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A poem by Bre_Cold_AsIce . Tell her what you think.

For Colored Girls

Seeing the girls rockin' that Brazilian 22" deep wave had baby girl thinking her natural curly kinks weren't pretty no mo'

Seeing girls wearing shorts covering only half they ass had her thinking that was the only way to get a boy's attention when walking pass

Seeing celebrities like Beyonce and Nicki Minaj's skin getting lighter and lighter had her thinking her black wasn't beautiful anymore

Had her feeling like her dark color resembled dirt too much therefore she must be dirty, unpure and pretty much worth nothing....

But what she failed to realize is that every kink, curl and once of melanin told a story

A story of how every ancestor who fought for her and every other brotha' and sista' to be alive today .

A story of how every once of melanin in her skin is the result of the slave that was used for picking crops as the sun beated down on his head and the slave master tried to whip away  his optimism of better days.

A story of every kink and curl representing every twist and turn of her ancestor's journey to survive and create the next generation.

That next generation that would then create another generation and so on so on in order to prove to every slave owner, prejudice person and racist alike that our people have enough pride and fight to strive and be the best.

She failed to realize that you don't need a man to show you that your beautiful since the only way to truly find your beauty is through self love

You see baby girl needed a wake up call. She needed to realize that every kink, curl, and once of melanin was a proud statement of who she was.

But also needed to realize that it was her soul and internal beauty that really defined who she was.

Baby girl not the only one who has felt this way, which is why this is for all the girls.

For all the Colored Girls.

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