I Just Want To Say I Love You

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I just wanted to take the time to say I love you guys. Like seriously. I was reading through some of the comments on the last chapter and it just breaks my heart that you guys had to endure things like this, especially at a young age. I legit cried for all of you. Hell im
Crying now, not just for those of you who commented, but those who read and were afraid to.

I just want you guys to know, that we can't help what happens to us in life. Some of us were abuses physically or sexually, some of us have drug addicted parents, some of us deal with domestic violence in the home, like its so many things we go through.

And it's painful and heartbreaking and as young children going through these things we feel hopeless.

But we must always remember we are never alone. A higher power is always on our side, cheering us on.

And know you do have power in your voice. Never be afraid to speak up, if not to an adult you trust, to the police.

And know that you have the power as a teen and young adult to create the life you want. That you do have control over.

That's why I advocate education. That was my saving grace to get out of my house, going to college and getting away from the madness and never come back.

Always remember you can control that and you can make a better life your kids. So often abusers were victims too. They refused to break the cycle. But you break it and you show your child all the love you wished you had.

And just do good in the world.

Just wanted to tell you guys I love you and that it gets better, when you make a commitment to living a better life.

And find something to believe in. I'm a Christian and I know for a fact God is the only reason I made it out.

But if that doesn't work for you, research religions and philosophies that works. Believing that something out there is bigger than you giving and protecting you makes life so much easier.

There's Buddhism, where people tend to gravitate toward because of their stance on love and peace

Just find what works for you.

Anyway, have a great Friday 

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