Sister Submission

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RRMarieXCarleanBlack sent this. She also included a graphic of the room layout lol. 😂😂😂 it's in the m/m. She was serious. I do have more submissions. Be patient if I haven't posted yours. Doing Them
In the order I received them.


Hey Intellectual212  *waves hi,

I don't know no other way to say or word this so just going to come out with it.

Okay so I'm 19 plus size black girl who wants to better her life starting with my career. And one of the things I wanted to do was to go to school for .... Cooking. So I go to this school (I will not mention name)  that will help me become a chef.

So I start about 5 months ago and I met this guy who is really nice. Mind you He's from the down South, with wife and kids, and is 20 years older then me.

We became friends who work pretty well together, rather if it during lecture, or production. Even people would makes jokes about how I'm his "Friend".

Well I few weeks ago I notice he would act a little bit different up until yesterday which was production day where I felt like there was an awkward slightly sexual tension between. And it kind of , well it was highly weird because it felt like it was coming from him. I shook it off and though I was probably bugging I mean he's married. That's what I thought until today.

*inhale and exhale*

So to day was lecture day and I usually sit next to him, which I did.   So we exchanged hellos and talk about ours evening, you know having a conversation.

But before i get any further let me tell you. How the way my seat is set up it like .... Nah I going to send I pic.

Gosh it going to be hard to type it. *deep breaths*

So anyway later on into the day when we was going over what we were going to do for lab I notice he was... Sucking on the button end of his pen.

Before I go any furhter I should say how he had it set up to where he hand was blocking the teachers view but wasn't blocking my view. So I saw everything.

So I didn't think nothing much of it until he I guess notice that I saw what he was doing and I guess he wanted to put on a show, and when I say I mean a show like the way he sucking on the button like if that were to be a female ole girl would have been squad out like a light. I mean making slurping noises, groaning loud for me to hear. And then when we (class) started looking over videos involving our produce, we had the lights out and as I was trying to look at the screen I can see him from the corner of my eye flicking his tongue on the pen and sucking (he had a thick tongue too).

*inhale, exhale*

Now I'm starting to feel slightly bothered and turned on (sorry). So I'm trying to look away but every time I do he would start make slurping noises. *smh*

I was praying that no one would look over here and see my face, because I'm quite sure someone could have tell that something was going on.

I thought he stop for a while until I turned my head in his direction so I can face the teacher. Once I turned I notice he was rubbing  his thigh like close to his ... You know. Than I turned away. And he stop so I looked back and saw he looking at me. So I looking away.


Went back to work on his pen until the light come back on. He would stop once someone would say something to laugh or comment because people in my class joke around sometimes. After our instructor will talk to us until this time to go we said our good byes and I went home.

So here's what I need help with ,

How do I tell this guy I'm not interested?

And to make more important how the hell am I going to even bring it up it feels weird as hell and I really don't want to loose a friend over this, but at the same time I'm not that type of girl. I rather someone of my own than be a side women.

What should I do ?


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