Sister Submission - diverting sex

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You can tag me Fat_Vanity_

So hi...

I need a little advice on something, and hopefully you ladies can help me out some. So I've been conversing with this guy for awhile and I really like him. Currently we live in two different states, but the states are fairly close together so its not really considered long distance. Any who we've plans for me to come visit him next weekend. This is the thing we've never been alone together and on this trip we will be. I'm not afraid of him or whatnot but there is sexual tension and I'm trying to keep a lock & key on the "lady parts". My question is how can I divert sex on this trip?

Now I will be staying at his place different bedrooms should I lock myself in? Like honestly it sounds silly but self imprisonment might help a sista out. Have you ever just met some one that you connect with out every level? And he passes the coined 90 days? Well he has passed it all.. However, I'm trying not to go there.. How can I divert sex for two days with a potential mate? Sex will come just not right now.. Help!!!! Hopefully this gets read before the weekend if not the advice is still needed.


My Advice---

Specifically because I'm going through this now is like the ladies told me -- to just be honest.

If it's important to you to wait, he should understand that and be respectful of that.

If he can't, then maybe you should rethink being with someone who only thinks you're valuable because of your body.

And as regards to you, you have to be able to exhibit self-control.

I can't tell you how hard it is to not want to do it. Especially with someone that you see a future with, but I always remember the vows I made to myself. And I always think about Angela Simmons. She's almost thirty and she hasn't had sex. And like she said on the show, if he can't respect that then we can't be.

I know you're not saying to wait entirely, but if you have a set time in mind of wanting to wait you have to stick to it and ask him to be respectful as well.

There's nothing like giving in temptation only to regret it later.

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