Daily Check-In and Blind Date Ramblings

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Y'all it was horrible!!! I'm joking lol. 😂😂

It was actually really, really fun. Come to find out it wasn't somebody random, it was actually my besties mentor who is also an Alpha like him and I've met this dude before so when I walked into the Karoke bar where we met, I was like really? 😒 lol.

That took away my nervousness though because I knew him, but it was also sorta awkward because he's 29. I'm only 24 and I think that's kind of old for me.

But Ill tell you what I loved and what I wasn't so crazy about.


He's extremely successful to be so young. He has a job with this corporate company and he's an adjunct professor at a college. Credentials on fleet!✔️ check

He's extremely attractive. Although he is a little bit short. Not come to my knee caps short but about the same height short. Short for some is a deal breaker but i don't think that matters so... ✔ check ️

He's very spiritually oriented which is important for me. So...✔️check

He's super funny and fun to hang out with. Seeing what he does for a living you'd imagine him being dull but that's not the case. And once he got some drinks in his system, his horrible singing had the whole bar laughing. He really was hilarious.  so ... Check ✔️

Things I was kinda Iffy about...

The  main thing was the age gap. Like although it's not a huge gap, I just feel like he's so far advanced in life. Like I went home and basically stalked his LinkedIn page and he is just like wow. G, I'm struggling trying to get a masters. This negro has his PH.D. And he was apart of all types of honors society's and shit, and I'm just trying to make it to graduation. Lol. The struggle is real. 😂😂😩

Also he's very, very, very opinionated and argumentative. Like it's fine to have an opinion but he seems like he has to be right. We sorta got into a heated debate about Chi- Raq the movie. Me not being a fan of it and him loving it. I could only imagine if we got together how our arguments would be. One word- petty. 😂😂

He had the nerve to send me a text this morning that said--are you calm down sistah soulja?

Being funny because I was talking about how I felt the premise of the film was disrespectful to women.

I wanted to cuss him out lol.

But anyway, that was my recap.

How was y'all day?

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