Wattpad Pet Peeves

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Do you guys have any?

Here are some of mine -

1.) people send you a random dm with a link to a story, and usually a story they didn't write, without as much as hi. They just send a link. Lol. At least say something love.

2.) people who say "I wish you chose a different character in regards to character pictures." Like, reading stories are about imagination. If you don't like someone's choice just imagine somebody else. It's their story they can choose who they want. I never got why people did that.

3. I like to give my readers a chance to give me their opinions. But that can have its drawbacks. Some times when you have readers give their opinions, they went to control the story. At the end of the day, always remember you have the right to write what you want. It's your story. And while you can take their opinions under consideration, you're not going to please everyone. And people are reading because you are writing.

4.) people who don't like a story but read it either to be nosey or just spread negativity. Why? I'm not reading nothing I don't like.

5. ) readers who think you're mean because you speak up about negativity. You have a right to speak up about foolishness.

6.) readers who think because you ask for reads or votes you're begging.i don't  do this a lot but for those that do I don't think it's begging. People will read your story and not even vote or comment. Readers need to understand, that authors need the motivation to keep going. And your votes and comments do that. specifically comments. I'll write long chapters after people begged for an update and sometimes folks don't comment. Maybe readers can give insight as to why you don't vote or comment so writers understand it's not always because you don't like it. Wattpad is a mutual give and take. Writers need readers just as much as readers need them.

7.) people who send anonymous messages to tell you what they don't want to tell you under their real username. Chile, don't got time. Take that pre-school stuff on somewhere.

This only a few. I have loads more. But one are some of you guys pet peeves.

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