Daily Check-In/feeling insecure

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Doing the daily check-in. Thanks for all the feedback guys. It means a lot that you think the book is good as it is. I was just making sure it wasn't boring for you guys!!!

Want to keep you interested!

So today after church my guy took me to this poetry reading. He got up and read a poem he wrote. It was pretty bad. Lol 😂😂😂

But he gets an A for effort. I'm joking it wasn't that bad, just a little bad. Lol. 😂😂😂

No, it was good. Just hard to understand. I don't know if you guys ever had to read poems in school, but you know those difficult poems where you're like --what the heck does this mean because of all the symbolism and stuff? It was sorta like that.

But he clarified when we went out to eat afterward. Poetry isn't really my thing, but if it's his, I'll learn to like it I suppose and support him in it.

He was trying to show me more of him today through going to that, and I appreciate it.

I don't know. I felt a little insecure today because I know that I'm a smart girl, but I just feel like my intellect doesn't match his. It really hit me
Today with that whole
Poem. It was like why couldn't I see what he meant? What am I not getting.

This isn't the first time I felt that way. He's funny and stuff, but smart as hell. And sometimes I hate having conversations because he'll use words or make references that I have no clue what it is. I Always feel like I need to go home and read after talking to him.

Like I went over his condo today and you should see his bookshelf. His counter. His tables. Just everywhere is drowned in books.

Now some of it is for school. I told you guys he's a adjunct professor (that's a professor that works and teaches part time)

But most of it is him.

And don't get me wrong I read honey, but not like him. And I sorta went home today and cried a bit about it. I know that seems dramatic.

But if you ever had insecurities about someone you really like, you'll understand. I always wonder if he's judging me like this girl is slow.

And I don't want to be inauthentic.
You know those women who anything the man she likes does, she does. Like
If he reads a million books,
All of sudden she at the library?

Like no. I want to be me, but I also want to feel like I can intrigue him in a conversation.

I don't know. Just how I was feeling after today. 😔

Anyway, enough about me. How are you ladies?

And yes to the people who asked I saw Jidenna's new video. 2016 is our year!!!

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