Signs That He Likes Me

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We've all had that moment where we wondered does he like me? He stared at me or he calls me a lot.

Below I'm going to post a wonderful article I read on how to tell from a site called I live for this site. It's so on point. Anyway, hope this helps.

Zabrinah's Words --

Firstly, I want to address the phrase, "he likes you". It is equal to "attracted to you". They are the same thing. You need to take it as it is. Don't blow it out of proportion. Let's look over what attracted to you means:

"Guys find you attractive, and under the right circumstances, they move on to this step: being attracted to you. How? He needs to get to know you. He might have his own subconscious or very conscious list of basic standards like: does she have a sense of humor, will my parents like her, will my friends like her, would I be proud to show her off?

Questions like those above take the average guy milliseconds to answer and if he does not like the answers, he will move on to the next girl he finds attractive.

I hope to be able to accomplish the same process, but it is not quite as easy. I always want to make excuses when he does not fit into my own basic standards, like, "Yes, he is a cheater, but he is troubled." That is not okay. We cannot make excuses. There are plenty of guys that fit your basic standards AND that you find attractive. Go meet them and be attracted to them."

All the signs that you thought meant that he liked you only prove that he finds you attractive. And that isn't such a special, pure thing. Guys EVERYWHERE will find you attractive. Get used to it, sister! They will stare, even drool, and still not ask you out. You will only be frosting to them, and that's just fine. I'm sure you have your own set of guys who fall under the category of eye-candy, but you know it wouldn't be wise or even possible (if they are celebrities) to start a relationship with any of them. 

The Only Sign That Proves He Likes You

Now, without further ado ... the reason why you're still reading this post. I'm going to give you the only sign that CONCRETELY proves that a guy is interested in you. He'll say this:

No if, ands, or buts about this. I wanted to add the fact that he'll buy you dinner or ask you out, but there are some guys who do that and still have no interest in you. Those guys only exist to confuse us.

Are you saying that the guy who's been texting me everyday doesn't like me?

I'm only saying that you are no longer allowed to assume. You want to behave normally--be your cool, awesome self--all the way up to the point when he admits (WITH HIS WORDS) that he's head over heels for you. It's not a rare thing. Guys will tell you how they feel, especially when they want those feelings returned. Imagine how satisfying that will be? Sure, you may have wondered about the guy in the back, back, back of your mind, but you never acted on it. You don't get to scream and run around with your friends until you hear from the guy that he's interested in you romantically.

So, once he says, "I like you as more than a friend," everything will be perfect?

Believe me, I am not a pessimist. In life, I am one of the most optimistic people out there. However, there are over a MILLION things that can still go wrong after he admits to liking you. He could still be the wrong guy for you. What if he has no ambition? What if he's a serial cheater? Don't go into that crazy mode where all you can see is love and happiness forever. Be happy. Rejoice in the fact that he was brave enough to let you know how he feels. Then, if you feel the same way, start investigating his cake (confused? click HERE). See if that romantic foundation is what you're looking for.   

But what if I wait to unlock my feelings, only to like him back--much, much later--after he originally started liking me? What if the way he flirted (specifically with me, might I add) was his way of showing me he was interested all along? 

Wouldn't you want to hear a guy say this:

"You're so silly. I've been interested in you for months!"or.   

But what if I wait to unlock my feelings, only to like him back--much, much later--after he originally started liking me? What if the way he flirted (specifically with me, might I add) was his way of showing me he was interested all along? 

Wouldn't you want to hear a guy say this:

"You're so silly. I've been interested in you for months!"

Rather than this:

"I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry if I gave you mixed signals or something ...."

It's better to assume that there is nothing between you and the guy, than to jump to conclusions and embarrass yourself. Until you hear him say "I like you as more than a friend", or something directly along those lines, then you have NO concrete proof that the guy likes you. No matter what your friends say.

Never get "the wrong idea" about a guy ever again! Stop all of that analyzing and assuming. Just be yourself.



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