Daily Check-In/ Bae Recap lol

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So a few noseys, I won't say their names lol, were asking me to spill tea about me and my guy. So here is just a little of what I'm going through. I shouldn't say going through like its bad, but there is one aspect of his personality that is rather aggravating.

I told you guys something happened at his job and whatever it was, left him irritated. But he didn't tell me what it was. And then Friday I spent the night over his house and he got into some argument with his brother over the phone.

He literally went to his car so I couldn't hear the conversation and when he came back he didn't want to talk about it.

It didn't ruin our night per se, but I am starting to notice that when he goes  through things, he doesn't like talking to me about it.

And maybe I'm being a baby about it, but it sorta makes me sad when he doesn't share things like that with me. Because I know what it feels like to go through things and have no one to talk to it about. And how hard that can be for one person to carry.

I know they say men don't like talking about their problems and I guess that's true. But I don't know, it just makes me feel some type of way.

Or maybe he doesn't trust me enough yet to be vulnerable enough to share what's on his mind.

But then it's hypocritical because if I'm
Going through something and I wont tell him he gets iffy about it and I'm
Like really? 😒

I was honest with him about how I felt and he just said, that he's not the type to dwell on his problems. And it's not my job to be his problem solver. "He's a man with enough emotional capacity to handle whatever life throws at him." His exact words. The macho man thing, is so annoying🙄.

I hope in time he learns that it's not a sign of weakness to share your life with me. All of it. Good and bad. And that in fact it is my job to be his problem
Solver just as he is mine.

I wonder if his dad is like him. Sometimes people are like that because of how they are raised.

I don't know. 😩

Anyway, how are you guys doing?

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