Holla First or Nah

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So I have this dilemma. I'm extremely, extremely shy.

I'm more old school in the sense. You see a cute guy, don't look his way. Hope you're looking good and he notices you and is the first one to approach.

Well I was talking with my best friend who happens to be a guy and he said that logic is played out. He said you're always going to get looked over, waiting for someone to come to you. He said, if you see something you like, go for it. Guys do all the time.

The problem I have is this--- say you see a guy you like right. You go up to him and first off what would you say????

Second off, what if he hits you with the same "get away from me vibe" we hit dudes with all the time? Rejection never feels good. Neither does looking like a thirst bucket.

What do you guys think? Should we as ladies approach first or should we wait believing that when our king sees us---he'll know his queen.

I prefer the latter.

If you say holla first, what's your advice? What was his reaction?

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