Men Passing Up On Good Women

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So guys I was looking at Amber's birthday photos. She has been snatching niggas bald lately. And I was looking at Jazmine slaying the Grammy's Red carpet.

And I think about how Danielle Brooks consistently slays.

All these women, über talented. Like out of this world talented and I have to ask myself, why are they all single?

If I was a dude, I would snatch them up. Beauty and talent are you killing me????

Steve Harvey did an experiment with these two sisters. To show how vain they were. Set them up on dates with men, and the women judged the hell out of them because they didn't have the money or job they wanted.

But the problem with that is, people always do these experiments with women.

How about you do an experiments with men. Put women like Jazz, Amb and Danielle in a room with men vs let's say an Instagram model. And see how many men would pass them up to run to the other side of the room with the Instagram model.

You see the problem here? It's not that IG models don't deserve men, it's just that too many people try to chastise women about their standards.

Always talking about women pass up on good men.

But how many men do that?

I don't know. Just something I was thinking about.

Maybe their single by choice. Or maybe they are private about their relationships. I don't know. But I have a feeling too many good women get passed over, just as much as men. And that needs to be addressed as well.

What do you guys think?

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