Young Girl Beaten To Death

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I don't know if you guys have heard but yesterday a young girl was beaten to death in the schools bathroom by 5 to 6 girls at her high school. This was in the day time. During fucking school. This was in Delware I believe.

My heart broke. And it broke even more so to find out it could have possibly been over a boy. Like why do girls and even women do that? Fight each other over some no good nigga that you won't even remember five years from now.

And they interviewed some of the kids and one girl was just laughing like it was a joke saying she witnessed the whole thing.

Why are people so quick to film and watch fights, rather than intervene or get help.

You guys are younger and I'm
Just looking for insight into what kids your age think when this happens or when their fighting and watching or filming the fight. Because I'm just at a loss for words.

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