Sister Submission

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Can I say I appreciate the submissions from you guys the more I get, the more issues we cover. Remember it doesn't have to just be about boys. It can be about life, homework you might need help with, a new dress you need help
On choosing. Just anything where you want our advice.


This ones from qveen_leey


I just recently got my matric/grade 12 results and I qualify to do a bachelors in university.

When my mom asked me what I wanted to study after school, I told her I wanted to do music production and that I already found a school I wanted to study at. She told me that I am wasting my time and energy and that music production is not a secure career. She keeps persuading more like nagging (don't wanna seem rude towards her ) me to do accounting or pharmacy but I don't wanna be dealing with pills or numbers my whole life.

I have tried talking to her about this, but she won't hear anything about it. My mom and I have never really been close. She has never really approved of anything I want to do unless suggested by her.

I am really passionate about music and one of my aunts offered to pay for my tuition or anything I needed help with. I have been contemplating asking her but I feel if I go behind my moms back, I will be disrespecting her. Please help.


My advice--

If you have an aunt that is willing to pay I say go. There's a quote that says don't let someone that didn't follow their dreams, discourage you from following yours.

Parents want the best so of course they want you to choose a stable career. Music is not stable. However, we only have one life. And if it is in your heart to do music, follow that feeling.

Denzel Washington says - true desire of the heart is God saying it's yours ahead of time. So that itch you feel. That's God.

Yes it might be hard to find jobs and you might get a million no's but all you need is that one yes.

Otherwise you'll be miserable your whole life wishing you did have the courage to follow your dream.

Boring jobs will always be available. You Can major in that and always go back to school if it doesn't work out. But I say try and see for yourself if you fail, whether then going off someone else's word.

Parents will always be mad, but when you're accepting the Grammy they'll get over it! 😘

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