Why You Shouldn't Lie About Your Whereabouts

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After one of the submissions yesterday, reading some of the comments and talking to some of the ladies I feel it is important to share this message.

One young lady mentioned a movie she saw where she didn't tell her mother she was dating a guy and he ended up killing her.

My heart stopped. Why? Because this happens in real life. The video

In the m/m is a mother of a young 16 year old girl who was found dead with her body chopped up

On the interstate. Her mother says she would lie and sneak around.

I've been there. The lying. The sneaking around. Not

Listening to my parents or those older because I felt they wanted to ruin my life and not let me have any fun. Believing I knew everything.

But I guarantee you not once while I made those decisions, did I ever stop to think someone could kidnap me and kill me.

Or I could get raped or any other horrible atrocity. And see these are the things parents and those older think about.

A lot of you talked about not telling your family your whereabouts and who you hang with. And at the end of the day you're doing to do what you want to do anyway.

But I urge you all to be cautious. To know that your family is saying things not to ruin your fun but protect you. The world is crazy. A woman just got killed the other day for not giving a man her number.

YouTube Aaliyah Jay I'll post her video talked about how she almost got forced into prostitution going home by herself.

It's just dangerous out here. And while we're having fun and sneaking off we think - hey we're invincible. It won't happen to me.

But the truth is, it could. It could happen to any of us. Be honest about your whereabouts. I would hate for this young lady to be you.   

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