Daily Check - In/ Ideas

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Hey my babies!! 🤗

So I'm doing the daily check-In.

I took you guys advice about communication being key and I told my guy about what I was feeling. He started making jokes about it like-- I'm not good enough to meet your family that's fine. I understand if I'm a booty call. I'm good for your bed but not your family. It's cool. 😂😂😂😂

Mind you we he hasn't even seen my bed, except on FaceTime. He's so ignorant lol.

Anyway, he said he would respect what I felt. So we're gonna meet up afterward. Thank you guys though. I don't know what I would have done without your advice.

also I wanted to get ideas from you guys about what you want to see more of in this book.

I don't want it to be all doom and gloom and seriousness. I want us to have fun to and laugh and joke.

The more I read you guys responses to daily check-in the more I see quite a bit of you are going through real life stuff. I think we all are. And while I want to discuss and offer advice on those things, I also want this book to be a fun get away.

So how can we do that?

Other than that, how was your day!!

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