Embracing Your Weird

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So when someone calls us weird. We immediately get offended. Like don't call me that. But what if I tell you that being weird is a good thing? What if I tell you that all of us, even if we are completely normal are weird. And it's that weird thing that makes us uniquely ourselves. And if we embrace it rather than deny it we will feel free.

Here's what I mean.

So yesterday my guy called me last night super, duper, late. He said he was having insomnia and couldn't sleep. Mind you I was sleep. 🙄

Anyway, he was like I was reading but it's not helping. So I make conversation and ask him what was he reading.

And he's like this book called "the parable of the sower" by Octavia butler.

And I'm like okay , sounds good. Mind you I never heard of her. Im
Sleepy and I hope he'll talk long enough to go to sleep.

But he goes on and on about how she's this Sci-fi writer who he loves and an Afro-futurist like him. And I'm like "whutttt?" Rewind. Afro-what? 😒

And he goes on to explain what it is and I still am lost y'all. They sorta believe that stuff like I,Robot will happen. I don't know. They love science fiction and believe in stuff Like robots will replace people. Needless to say, I said that's a little weird. And quite frankly he was scaring me. Lol 😂😂😂

And he said- we're all weird. And I said I'm not weird.

And he said you are, you're just not honest about it. Anyway I refused to let him win because I didn't want to be weird. Weird is bad right?

So anyway, he eventually got sleepy and now I was up. And after we hung up I thought, what do I do that's weird? 🤔

Nothing. I told myself confidently.

Until I realized I am weird. 😱

I have a whole bed, but I much prefer sleeping on my couch. I don't know why, it's just comfortable for me. That's pretty weird from the outside looking in. I never sleep in my bed and it's pretty big.

Then I realized when I'm
Watching a good tv show, I talk to the screen like they can hear me.

And I hate being in a room with a lot of people. I'm always the one people are like why don't you talk. Truth is, I'm
An introvert and I hate interaction sometimes.

Needless to I spent the whole night realizing how weird I actually was.

And you know what I learned all the things that are weird make me. And that's okay. And I'm going to embrace it from now on.

So I want you guys to do the same thing.

Tell us some things people might think you do that are weird with the hashtag #embracingmyweird

Let's learn to love our weird!!! 🤓

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