Daily Check-In/ Sister Question

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Hey babes!!!

Just want to check in with everyone.

Also wanted to post this question from janay123. She wrote---

I have a question I want to know what marriage means to everyone?

My response - it's more than a piece of paper to me. It's a holy covenant that you vow to cherish this person for the rest is your life. It also has certain legal benefits and protections. Tax breaks. Etc.

Would they want to get married?

Yes I would.

Would they mind not getting married and still staying with that special someone forever?

I couldn't be with someone who didn't want to get married. That off the bat let's me know we're not compatible. But I heard Oprah and Shonda Rhimes (she writes scandal and how to get away with murder) say --- they never wanted to get married. And if that works for you, it's nothing wrong with that.  (I included the video in the m/m)!

I can never understand how some people are together for years I'm talking like 10 years plus and as soon as they get married they get divorced after a year I can't help but think that if they didn't get married they probably would still be together maybe being married adds extra pressure who knows. What are your thoughts people?

With this I find that interesting. But I have no clue about why that happens. The majority of my family is married and has been for years without A divorce. So I'm interested to see why this might happen from people who know more about this perspective.

And if they were married or are married would they ever allow there husband a cheat pass like Toya does?

Hell no. that may work for someone but not for me. And it's usually the women giving out passes. Ask a man of he'll let his wife have a pass, he'll look at you like you're crazy. With a hell nah face. And if he reacts that way  about you, then why should you do that for him?

I feel you have to value yourself more than that. If you don't mind a promiscuous partner then fine, but if you want a faithful one and he wants a pass, that's not the relationship for you.

Yall know the only man I'll allow to have other wives is my Nigerian prince 😂😂😂. As long as he remembers I'm wife #1.

Anyway y'all thoughts

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