Sister Submission- Should I Take Her Back

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Tag her y'all. @afroayee

Pic included she's the one in the white with the busy hair


Hey sis! okay I need majorrrr help! I'm 16 years old and I'm bisexual but I'm more into guys forreal if that makes any since, lol anywho I play basketball and during the summer I play AAU and its like a club team or whatever and you go on trips yada yada, so I met this girl and we got real close but once AAU season was over and we were headed back to school she told me she liked me and asked was I interested in her, low key I was, so we ended up talking, this was back in August/ September right when school started, and we haven't actually dated like been together but we act like a couple, argue allat the whollllllle nine. Most of our arguments are dumb tho and she just does things that make me question like do you really like me. At the beginning of us talking like when we first started she was like she really liked me and couldn't see herself hurting me, and she falls hard and all this stuff, but I feel like I was the one who fell way to hard for shawty, so like two weeks ago she was smoking with a few friends and she did something so stupid I can't even explain what she did but she almost kissed this girl and sent me a video of it, like wtf  I took her back after she did that but it's only because I really really really like shawty, and I started talking to this boy and we kissed but it was a peck so I felt like we were even kinda! she did her do I did mine know what I'm saying lol? my question is should I keep her or spare my feelings before I fall for her more?

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