Sister Submission; Networking/Meeting New Tips

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Hey Des,

So this question is mainly for the extroverts and social butterflies out there I need some major advice!!!

So I'm an English major in college and in class we were reading this book of poetry. One poem I really connected with, I looked up the author and found out she was on Instagram.

I sent her a message telling her how much I loved the poem and how it affected me because I literally was crying reading it. It connected so much.

I told her that I aspired to be a poet like her one day. Well she actually responded and told me how much she appreciated me reaching out and she said she complies poems for anthology and will keep me in mind for future books!

My dilemma is she's an amazing writer and I don't feel I would be good enough because I'm a beginner.

But at the same time I want to stay connected with her. She's a really well known poet and I'm super shy.

How do I network with her to keep the lines of communication open without being a creep and without blowing the opportunity to possibly connect with this person?

What should I say as a response to her responding I'm really speechless?

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