Sister Submisson - Sibling Issues

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This ones from SkateboardP . Help her out!


Okay so me and my older sister haven't really been talking and the only reason I say something to her  is when I'm around her because of my nieces and younger sister.

She always have this negative vibe that I just don't feel comfortable being around. A couple reasons why is

* she always say I never tell her what I'm doing or where im going whenever my nieces and little sister comes over my house.

*she mad because I Didn't tell her I got a job and a car (with my own money that I saved up)

Honestly I think its her boyfriend that's making her so negative and miserable that I don't even want to be around her. And as my told me brother, thats proud of how far I've came and got my shit together. But on the other hand She just always trying to drag me in the dirt , put me down and doubt me

And mind you I have Lupus and just 3 years ago I was on Dialysis so why can't she be proud?

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