Tips For Overcoming Sexual Assault

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A reader asked that I talked about the situation in Utah I believe. A young girl nine years old was sleeping on a couch, when her mother went into the other room to do drugs. While the young girl
Was sleeping, she was ganged rapped by four men.

I have seen so many stories of women and young girls being sexually assaulted and it pains my heart. Even those stories of men and young boys who are assaulted it pains me.

What hurts even more is than when I did maybe a small chapter in one of books where a character went through it when he was younger, I received so many messages from people saying they two were victims.

Stories like this make you not want to go out in the world. People complain everyday that it's so hard for men, but hell its hard for women to. To be a woman and walking at night or even day by yourself. wanting to avoid a group of men because of the harassment you face. It's just too much.

I don't want to use this as an opportunity to discuss the issue because it's a very sensitive subject. I don't want to trigger anyone. But I do want to take the time to provide tips on overcoming it. Because if you survive, although the road will be long, you can and will get through. . My heart goes out to anyone who has every experienced it. I'm sending so much love and healing our way!! ❤️

The tips below were written from a Muslim site, I'm not Muslim but I think they are still relevant across cultures.

15 tips for victims on how to deal with sexual assault, abuse and harassment in the West

It is estimated that one in three women will be raped in her lifetime and that one in seven boys will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18. (the Wisconsin (U.S.A.) Coalition Against Sexual Assault)

Sexual assault, harassment and abuse are crimes which are abhorrent and unacceptable. They are often perpetrated in the privacy of homes or are committed by those whom people may be close to or trust. This makes it not only unacceptable, but shameful as well.

Victims of sexual assault, abuse and harassment often prefer to keep their victimization hidden, fearing blame. But if you are a victim, this is a danger to yourself and to others too, who may become the next victims of the sexual harasser and/or abuser. Here are some things you can do to break the wall of silence and start the healing:

1. Know what sexual assault, abuse and harassment are

Sexual harassment is sexual behavior that is unwanted. Often the harasser is someone in a position of formal authority, but harassment occurs between co-workers or peers as well. Men are sometimes harassed, but most victims of harassment are women. The harasser is almost always male.

Examples of sexual harassment include suggestive comments, pressure for sexual contact, demands for sex in return for a job or other benefit, sexual jokes.

Sexual assault is an attack of a sexual nature, which includes sexual touching or rape.

Sexual abuse is essentially sexual assault but over a prolonged period of time. Incest, or sexual relations between family members like parents and children, or brothers and sisters, is an example of sexual abuse. But sexual abuse can occur outside of the family too.

2. Get medical treatment if you are sexually assaulted or hurt

If you are injured after an attack or sexually assaulted, go to the doctor and get medical treatment as soon as possible. You do not have to tell anyone who caused the injury, but it is better for your treatment if you tell the doctor exactly what happened.

In the case of rape, a medical examination is important to detect injury and for possible protection against a sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy.

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