You Guys Are Awesome

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I thank you guys for all the feedback. I've read everyone and I'm so appreciative.

Like someone said we often give people too much credit. I agree. I'm never the type of look to other people for my happiness. But I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt to not have a least one genuine soul around.  I don't need a squad just one person.

But I googled devotionals on this and one talked about Jesus. And here was a man who did nothing but good in the world. Always healing and teaching other people. And in his darkest hour, he had no one. A disciple betrayed him, another one denied him. And when he asked his disciples to watch his back while he prayed, they all fell asleep which made it easier for the people to capture him and eventually crucify him.

Someone of you may not be religious and that's fine. But for the ones that are we can find comfort in the fact our Savior was in the same predicament. So if anybody understands he does.

And the ones that aren't religious take comfort in knowing there are other people going through the same thing.

This post is evidence of that. And at the end of the day to know I have you guys is just as comforting.

On a brighter note, my Nigerian king released two new songs last week. One is the m/m called Knickers.

The other is called - Extraordinaire

I love that his music is so different. It may not be everybody's taste but he said the album is dropping early 2016 and I will be the first to go cop it. And I pray I get to see him live again. Jesus answer my prayer. 🙌🏿😩

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