Ignore What Men Say

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So guys the other day, I went on a double date with my guy and his close friend and his wife.

🙄 yes I'm giving side eye already.

I happened to be the youngest at the table and his friend thought it prudent to school me by taking subliminal shots.

I'm sorry but when I go on a fucking date, I am putting in every effort to look great not just for my man but myself. I enjoy the process of getting glammed up.

That means hair is on point ✔️
The face beat on point ✔️
And my outfit is on point ✔️

His wife on the other hand was all natural. Which is fine. I don't knock
Women who prefer not to wear makeup. Everyone has their own thing.

But the problem started when she told me how much she loved my makeup and she wishes she could wear.

Hold up ☝🏿ma'am you're 33 what do you mean wish you could wear it?

She proceeds to tell me her husband doesn't like her to wear it. He likes her natural.

He here goes - "most men prefer women without it." He looked at her, then me, then back at his salad.

Let's be very clear. There are men who prefer women without makeup. And a vast majority of them say this, but I have also learned that the vast majority of them are often hypocrites.

Men say they want an all natural woman, but the first instathot that hit their Dms they jump on it.

They say they don't like women who wear weave, but didn't Ciara lose her man to someone with a Brazilian weave??? I'm just saying lol. She sang it in a song.

Like I said there are honest to God men out here that like women totally natural. That's what they go for. But you have to look at men's actions not their words to determine if they are real.

So that was my mission. To determine if he was real or a hypocrite.

My guy came with the save tho and defended me and said, "whatever she chooses to wear I appreciate. And I appreciate her putting in the extra effort." 😍😍🤗

If I wasn't sticking to this virgin thing he would've got the kooty cat that night lol. 😂😂😂 (we had the talk, I'll post about that later)

Anyway, his friend would not let it go. He obviously is a controlling husband and tells her what she can and cannot wear. Which I understand respecting your husbands wishes, but she clearly
Seemed unhappy she couldn't do it.

Anyway so my guy changed the subject because I'm argumentative and this guy wouldn't let it go.

So after we left, on the way home I asked my guy what type of women did he used to date.

Sure enough it wasn't naturals. And he even told me that his wife used to model in college and her career got cut short when she had their child.

😒😒😒 major side eyes to this hypocrite.

And my guy is so honest with him. I asked him why do men do that. Say one thing and do another about that.

He said well married men do that as a form of control. They want their wives to not get dolled up because they don't want them to be attractive for other men. So If their plain looking, they feel she's safe.

And I'm telling you guys to don't listen what men say when it comes to your choices because they are fucking send offs. They'll say one thing, you'll do it and then they'll do the exact opposite.

I'm not saying don't go natural
Or you must get glammed up.

I'm saying make choices for you not men. If you want to be natural do it for you!!! If you want to get glammed up, do it for you!!!!

Why do I Stan for Jidenna, because that man loves natural women.  He's not just saying it.

If a man tells you he likes natural
Women and all that stuff, look at the women he dates. If it don't add up. Don't trust him.

I read this too as further proof men are hypocritical

ealer would not hurt boo!

"It's also true about men claiming to prefer natural, but ignore them for unnatural women. Tyra Banks & Oprah BOTH did this experiment on their show and exposed men for this. Particularly black men! They had all kinds of black men, in all kinds if different settings (library, club, store,mall) ALL of them went for the woman with the weave & make up and/or focused on the woman with the weave or make up. ALL OF THEM!"

Wise up women. Live for you. Not men.    They will send you off in these streets just like...nevermind 😂😂😂

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