Lira Galore and The Importance Of Being Your Own Woman

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I read the global grind interview about how Rick Ross and Lira broke up. And honestly I felt sad for her. Here's why...

I remember when Rick went with Ming Lee. She's a self-made entrepreneur (a real one) who does amazing hair. She has her own salon and line of hair care products. Snob life is her brand.

I didn't know who she was but I saw this picture saying her and Rick went together. And it was saying finally a boss man, picks a boss chick. Because that's what she is. She has a legitimate business that she built from the ground up. I remember watching an interview where she talked about her grind. Just handing people her business cards, when she had no money. But she believed in her talent.

I researched her to learn more about her and I was super impressed. And she posted about being proud to finally buy her own home she built from the ground up.

I was like yes to this relationship. She had her own. He has his own. All they need is each other.

Somehow that relationship fizzled, it made me sad. 😔

And I heard about Rick being with this new girl Lira. I knew nothing about Lira but they were so prominent on social media-- booed up. I had no choice but to learn.

Lira's beautiful. I'm not going to lie. Her and Rick looked cute. (Except when it seemed he would grab her face to make her kiss him. That seemed yucky and awkward.)

And they would flaunt around. Her in his home. Him showing her off. Them being engaged. Him with her family on Christmas.

And now this relationship has fizzled.

The sad part of it all--- Ming went back to her business after the breakup. She had her own beautiful home
And a stable source of income.

But I can't help but wonder since Lira lived with Rick, where did she go?

Where do women go who get so caught up in being a man's arm piece and being swept away by their knight in shining armor, that they forget to make a life for themselves?

She's only 22. She seems genuinely hurt. She says he was her first love. But I hope Lira finds in time that when we only invest in our looks and not bettering our lives to stand on our own --- when our looks fade and the man leaves --- what will we have left? Because he'll still have the cars, the house, money and clothes move on quick. Rumor has it he already has another girl.

I said all this to say, we have to strife in addition to our beauty to have our own identity as women so when the relationship ends we won't be left with anything.

Don't look to a man to save you and provide. Because once that relationship ends so does the saving and providing. You might be lucky to find another man with equal wealth, but more than likely unless you're Kim K, you don't.

All I'm saying is it's okay to be gorgeous like Lira, but be more than gorgeous. Have something going for yourself. So when the relationship ends you'll have something to go back to. Some sort of identity.

I know I said I'd drop out of school to be an Insta model, but maybe that isn't so good after all. I'll stick to my life.

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