Apology To All My Story Readers

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I know some of you on here are readers of my actual stories and I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates. This is for primarily two reasons.

1. Girl talk really isn't a story so it's easier to update. It's literally like writing a text message. Stories require you figuring things out and actually writing like school work, And because I work and have school, I can't really dedicate that much time right now.

2. And secondly I'm not really motivated to continue to write. A lot of my experience on here since Aug Tea has been off putting (mainly the same people who were giving me grief, were the same people in my Dms and story comments - oh you're so amazing. 😒)

I think also because I'm not a fanatic of August like I used to be, it's harder for me to write about him. Like ever since I ended that book, I honestly have had zero interest in his life and have focused on my own.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the kinship in this book, I probably wouldn't even be on wattpad anymore.

If I get some free time and the motivation to write again, I will surely update. I thank you guys for your continued support and ask that you bare with me.

A lot of you are in high school, chile
One reader was 10!!! I can't believe it. And you guys have so much free time to
Just read and write. I am a grad student and each semester the demands get greater and greater. I don't know when, but I will make a promise to at least finish each story.

In the mean time there's a chapter in this book with wonderful book suggestions - please check some
Of those authors out.

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