There Are So Many Sick People In the world

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It seems like everywhere you turn bad things are happening. A well known YouTube poster a video with her face all bruised recounting her story of being raped by a home intruder.

Someone messaged me about a video circulating of a woman getting beat by a man with a baby in her arms while people watch.

There's another story of a woman who set up a camera in her home and found her boyfriend raping her dog. Like my nigga not only are your kids not safe, but neither are your animals.

All the stories of people getting shot and killed. Or beat up and killed in school bathrooms.

Sometimes I just feel like is it better to just not go out. To be what people call hermits. Those never leave their house.

Like this shit is so depressing and that's only a fraction of the things that go on. I just don't know anymore...

How do you live in a world
With so many atrocities?

I'm clearly thinking of becoming a hermit

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