This Thing Called Life Album Review

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So Expression_xo wrote a review of the new album. Tell her what you think and write your own review in the comments.

This Thing Called Life

• This thing called life (intro): I found this intro very deep and intriguing. I felt like Aug was once again letting his fans into his mind, personal thoughts and personal life. I was hooked and ready to hear just exactly what this album was about *fastens seatbelt* lol

• Job: When I first caught wind of the Anthony Hamilton/ August Alsina collab, I was geeked and it turned out to be the exact hit I knew it would be! Definitely a song that will become apart of the early morning ritual!

• Hollywood: This song was a personal favorite of mine. I felt he was addressing those who accused him of changing, specifically those closest to him. We all know how it is when people hate to see you doing well. He worked hard for it, he made it and now people say he's changing when really it's those around him. I feel like this song put me in his current mindset.

• Change: To me, this song really embodied the reasons why I fell in love with Aug; his authenticity; his representation of the struggle. He spoke about things that matter. He gives a voice to those who feel they don't have one.

•Dreamer: I'm really feeling this song! I feel like this is something I'd bump everyday. It has a powerful message and it's still something you can vibe to. I love the message behind the song and the way he delivered it. Very inspirational!

•Been around the world: I wasn't a big fan of the song at first but it grew on me. I don't know, it just sounded "commercial" to me; it didn't really sound like Aug. I know artists have to broaden their horizons but I wasn't really into it (even with my bae on the track lol) But after a few more listens, I'm rocking with it!

•First time: He took me back with this one! Lol, I love the beat. It was a real laid back type of feel. The type of "love song" (if you want to call it that) only August can create. Them 8o8's and that Spanish guitar I heard 👂🏾👀😍😩 YES LAWD

• Would you know?: See, I was confused at first lol at first I thought this was a love song but as the song went on I realized it was August explaining his thoughts and actions and things you would have to deal with when dealing with him. I felt like this song was a way of saying "put yourself in my shoes". This was another favorite of mine.

• Song cry: I get emotional EVERY TIME I HEAR THIS SONG❗️❗️❗️ August is a very emotional and passionate person. It shows throughout his music as well as certain interviews and his actions. In MY OPINION, this is the best song on the album. It gave me the same feeling as "testify", "right there", "don't forget about me", etc. I name those songs to say they make me feel up close and personal with Aug. These songs made me love him outside of his artistry; as a human being as well. I know he speaks of how certain artists chose not to feature on this song but I personally believe they didn't need to. This was HIS story and he told it very well!

• Other side: This song got me in my feelings *sighs* a dedication to Melly B 💚  & all the other fallen angels. It was a very sweet song and very heartfelt. I remember first hearing Aug's story and hearing about the death of his brother and then hearing "don't forget about me" .. Man, I was at the car wash with my two best friends when the ending came on. We were boohoo crying right there at the car wash. One thing I love about his music is you feel his vulnerability, you feel connected. To this day I wish I could bring his brother back for him. It's truly a blessing and a curse because his brother's death gave him that push and inspiration to do what he's doing now but it always hurts to lose a loved one-- especially considering how much he loved and looked up to his brother.

• American Dream- love love LOVE this song! It was very uplifting. It stands for so much. HE stands for so much. The kids were a great touch to the song 😍✊🏾 Auggie luh the kids lol I can't put into words how much I love this song❗️

• Look at how far I've come: AUGUST, YOU BETTER DO IT BABY BOY❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️👏🏾👏🏾😩 A few seconds into the song and I knew it was a banger! Yes Aug, look at how far you've come and I'M SO PROUD 👏🏾👏🏾 I felt like Aug was reaching out to fans in a way to show that he relates to the day to day struggle; that fame wasn't handed to him, it was earned & even with the fame sh*t is still hard. August is clearly a very strong-willed individual, who's fighting a lonely battle and learning a lot along the way. I feel like he holds a lot in and silently cries for help. His music is his therapy & I love it. I love how he shares his truth with the fans. This song is amazing!

• The encore: He took me to church ❗️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I loved his personal message at the end, lol Aug style! Great way to end the album👏🏾

"Why I do it" & "Hip Hop" are early released singles which I'm sure we've ALL heard. I can't explain it but I get chills whenever I listen to "Hip hop", the message is just so powerful man! He really brought awareness to what goes on in the black community today. Hip hop has such a HUGE impact on today's society and I don't think a lot of rap artists realize that anymore. August really embodied the term "hip hop" to deliver a positive message and show that a change can be made through the music they create.


Seriously though, if you haven't heard those songs.. What rock were you under 👀 lmao but I love those songs as well. August did not disappoint! From the order of the songs to the message behind each one, August did the damn thing!

I've been waiting on the album for sometime now and I was a little nervous, I'll admit because artist tend to flop after their first album. You know what they say, your sophomore album makes or breaks you. "This Thing Called Life" definitely made August❗️This album is a must cop❗️❗️I can listen to it over and over and I WILL lol nah fr

Once artists make it and feel like they have their door in the door, they tend to lose that hunger but August stayed true. He has that one quality a lot of artists lack now adays-- authenticity. I could really hear the growth in Aug's music and in him as a person.

He continues to tell his story, as well as many of us in everyday America. He continues to show that he is in his own lane of music. It isn't trap muzik. It isn't rap. It isn't r&b. He really needs to come up with a name for it❗️

I know August was upset by his labels choice to leak is album early but I feel his album sales will be just as good. I went on YouTube and listened but I STILL purchased the album. I may not agree with all of his choices but I will ALWAYS be a fan. Always have been, always will be.

I'm just waiting on the tour now 😍✊🏾

Maybe him and CB will tour together since their albums drop a week apart. YAS FATHA, let me speak that into existence lol 🙏🏾 PLEASE HEAR MY PRAYER❗️

Aug, baby continue to stay true to you and I'll continue to support❗️👏🏾😘 Much love

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