Daily Check-In

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Thank you guys for the feedback. I honestly didn't know if you guys liked it or not, or even thought it was needed. So to hear that you guys love it and that this is our safe place where we can just discuss life and have fun makes me smile.

You guys are really turning into my younger sisters ( since most of you are younger) lol.

And I love that it feels like a lil community and I hope it continues to be that way. I don't want our space polluted with negative energy, which is why I try to foster as much positivity as possible.

You know I don't know how many people do this with their own books, but I took my last final today. And I was waiting on my friend to finish his, so bored I decided to read this book I wrote called the publicist. The only time I read it is when I posted chapters and I don't know...It's a different kinda feeling to go back and read it. I finished it a long time ago, and I just found myself saying where did I come up with some of this stuff. Lol. 😂😂 but I found myself missing it. And how my readers used to go in on my characters especially Jazz and Dj. I remember people threatening not to read it if I broke Jazz and Aug up. Lol. Chile it was a mess. 

Anyway, I know it's random. But I think I'm going to make a post about this. Where writers read their own books and post their reactions to it. You'll be surprised at the many emotions you go through. Does this sound like a good idea??? Would people be down to do it?

But anyway, how was your day?

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