Daily Check In

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Sorry I didn't do it yesterday I had some things going on.

But I do want to say this just in general in regards to so called "friends" or people you think you are cool with. That goes for on here and in real life.

If there was ever a choice between saving their own ass or you, don't ever expect people to choose you.

the majority of people rather save their own ass, then get in the fire with you. Even if you've been there for them through everything.

You will find in life that when you are under attack or in great need, most people will be silent.

And then when the storm passes, they'll peek their big ass heads out to see if it's dry and when it is, try to continue as normal.

Just know, it's your choice if you want to continue on. For Me it depends on the person. But always, always even if I talk to them again in the back of my mind while I'm talking to them  one word comes to mind --- flaw.

Because that's what they are. I heard the quote on this song and it's killing me I can't remember whose song it was!!!! Omg I wish I knew!! It's a current artist was it Kendrick? Yg? Omg I don't know. But I remember Tupac saying trust no one. He said he remembers people he paid bills for all that stuff that when it came down to him or them, deserted him. And he said he understood it people would save themselves but don't trust anybody. Nobody!!!!

Omg I can't remember the song I heard that on!!! If I remember I'll tell you, but  anyway that's the lesson I want you to learn.

Trust nobody. It'll save you a lot of heartache.

I've had people know things were said about me that talk to me every freaking day and said nothing. Folks I didn't even talk to proved more a friend than them.

The only people you can trust is those who prove themselves to be worthy of your trust. Meaning through their actions they let you know their loyal.

Okay I'm done. Lol.

How was y'all day???

I'm going on a blind date today. 😩Le sigh my bestie hooked this up. Remember I told y'all I was super shy and my friend was like go for what you want. Well, he said waiting for me I'll be Cicely Tyson age so he took matters into his own hands.

All he told me was that he's his fraternity brother. That could be good or bad.

pray I make it home alive. If not, Tell my mama that I love her and Leave some flowers for my brother 😂😂😂.

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