Anybody Up/Dreams

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For all those up and  lets talk about dreams.

So I don't know what the hell goes through my mind because I have the most random dreams about random people. Yes I've even had Aug dreams lol.

But last night I had a dream that John David Washington (Denzel's son In the m/m.) stayed in my apartment building across the hall. And I ran into him one day and was telling him how much I admired Denzel. And he was so annoyed by me. Lol. 😂😂😂

Now this is the most random dream ever because I don't even like dude like that. And I didn't even watch Ballers the show he is on like that. So the fact that he even appeared in my dream was so freaking weird cause it's not like he's heavily on my mind.!

Another weird thing about my dreams are the seem so real! I can literally taste, touch and feel what's in front of me. Flying dreams are the coolest because I actually feel like I'm flying.

Honestly some days I can't wait to go to sleep to see what comes up in my mind. It's like a new adventure each night.

What are y'all dreams like?

I've heard of people controlling their dreams i wish I could do that. Like if I wake up have control to where I can start where I finish.

What was your coolest or weirdest dream?

I've also heard some people don't dream. I read on it and it was like it's not that you don't dream, you just can't remember.

Talk to me y'all

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