Sister Submission

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Asher56 sent me this submission below. Help her out guys. Also, if anybody has something they need advice on from the group dm me and I'll tell you where to send your questions. I will also make submissions anonymous if  you want. Questions can be about anything not just relationships. School. Parents. Friends. Whatever


Me and my bf have been together for a year now at first it was rough because I wouldn't open up to him about how I feel toward things.... I am a person that keep my emotions to my self.

Am i the only one that feel vulnerable expressing my feeling?

last year was a very hard time for him and is family because his father passed away unexpectedly and being that they were very close he didn't take it it well it took awhile before he started to come around and being is old self again.

Now for the past to months we have been going at each other I am not even going lie we said some hurtful thing to each other.... The recent argument was last week I caught him going thru my phone and he started to ask me question like if i was cheating... Now one thing I don't like is a cheater or liar... I did distant my self from him because I need some space and on top of that my best friend is moving away to Atlanta (he is a boy) and I am try it to spend as much time with him before he leave.

I told him no I am not cheating and his bitch ass going to tell me I am lying I was not going to argue with him because I am drained out emotionally tbh I do feel some type of  way because it show me that he doesn't trust me.... To me trust is every thing

I am not the only one that notice a change is behavior is mother also I have heard him be very disrespectful towards her calling her out of her name... I do address the situation with him but he is very stubborn person so I just leave it alone because we will just end in a argument

Next month will be one year since is father passed away I feel I like I need to be there for him ... But how the relationship is going with him been disrespect I also feel like calling a quits with him( PS I am 17 and he is 18)

Do y'all think I should call a quits or try to work it out with him? I really care do care for him

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