Sister Submission- Tips For Getting Over A Breakup

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That's her name. Tag her y'all. It won't let me.

Also guys if your situation has been answered in a previous submission, try not to resubmit. We don't want a thousand topics on the same thing.

As I said before we can discuss more than breakups and guys here. That's not all we as black women and girls go through.

I honestly feel like I'm going through it. I fell in love for the first time and about 6 months in he broke it off for immature reasons. Mind you, he left me last year. Like before school started...and I feel like I'm just now reaching the point where I can think about him and not break down. I was depressed when we broke up man I swear.

He was the only person who actually showed me love that I never experienced (my father had a chance, STILL DOES, to be in my life but I guess he chooses not to) and I'll always love him for that. I just need it back, I crave it. I just wanna love and be loved, how is that asking too much?

I started talking to a boy, I knew him in middle school, we always had a Lil thing for each other you could say. He tried to fwm while I was still in a relationship but I'm loyal 😌. Afterwards he slid back in my life after finding out I was single. I already know him and almost everything about him, it was pretty much like old friends catching up. He's a flirt so that's usually how our convos went. Just flirting and cute shit. He was really a stress reliever and took my mind completely off my ex. We would be on the phone all night, everything.

Then that was snatched from me when I find out he has a girlfriend. I'm not dumb. BUT HE IS SUCH A LIAR. The girls name is in ur bio with a heart and she's literally tweeting off of ur page saying "girlfriend on here" but u deny it. Telling my friends I'm ur girlfriend but u know u have a bitch already. Now I felt like I was going through it all over again because I was starting to like him and call me what u want but that was hard for me.

He hurt me. And I'm tired of hurting. I cut him off. Led me on so much knowing I'm not the only one in his life, but let him tell it I was. I'm so damn lonely it's not even funny. I'm going through so much more than you'll ever know but I won't put in this submission right now. I barely open up to anybody. I don't like to talk, or show my emotions, I HATE crying. I feel pathetic when I cry tbh. So I bottle it all up and sometimes put it on paper. this is too much, I'll stop talking lol.

But what would you say is the best way to relieve my stress, or what could help? Like idk what to do, I just feel like I'm stuck in this dark place and I can't find the light...any advice will help me right now..I hope this made enough sense lol

(and can you give me some advice too? I wanna hear what you have to say..)

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