Sister Submission

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Hey guys this ones from ThePrincessMisfit . Remember Dm if you want to submit. I'm doing one a day so if I haven't got to you, I will soon and unless you're anonymous, I'll tag you. So you'll know when it's up. Just remember to put your username if you don't want to be anon.



Okay so my names Kiera. Im 16 and I discovered that I like females.

I discovered this when I was in 9th grade. I was 13 and instead of looking and fantasizing over Chris Brown I was fantasizing over Nicki Minaj, if you catch what I'm saying.

So the only people who knew where my three best friends, who one is bisexual and the other is transgender, and one other close friend.

My parents did NOT know and I honestly never planned on telling them. My dads a homophobe and my moms super religious. Not necessarily a homophobe she just doesn't like gays.

I tried EVERYTHING to get me out of it. Church, dating guys, suicide, and even almost sex.

Yes sex. You read right. I starting talking to this guy and all he talk about was sex. So I thought, I tried everything else, maybe this is the only way to make me straight again.

So we made a plan to meet up and everything. December 10, the day of my birthday. And now that I think about it the whole thing was dumb.

But on the day of my birthday party, December 5, my mom went through my phone and read EVERYTHING we talked about.

She went completly off calling me all types of hoes, sluts, you name it. When she finally calmed down and asked my why I did it, I told her.

She didn't go off per say but obviously she was NOT happy about it. We talked, she asked a lot of question and I told her the answers honestly.

She told my dad, and even though we have never been close, were at that point were all we exchange are hi, byes, and sometimes dry I love you's.

My mom hasn't looked at me the same since. And I'm a little bit of a mamas girl so it hurts. She'll always ask my sly questions about it when were alone. but thats all. She keeps her distance as well. And now that where homeless I really just get swept under the rug.

My sister was shocked when I told her. Blamed it all on the devil and the friends I hang out with. But now she just acts like I never told her.

My brother was probably the most coo with it. He even offered to take me to the mall to find a girlfriend. And anytime he gets a new boo he ask my intake.

But ever since I came out my life has just felt empty. I feel like Im missing things. I want that reconnection with my family but I don't think thats ever gonna happen again.

So I'm asking you guys, what can I do ? How can I feel like myself again ? Any ideas on how to reconnect with my family again ?

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