Sister Submission- Showing My Boyfriend my scars

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Hey Des,

If possible can you not share my name. Thanks. I was writing because I met an absolutely wonderful guy. I mean he is sweet to me. He's intelligent and treats me extremely well. And we've been getting closer by the day.

Lately we have been having conversations about being intimate. I always avoid them not because I don't want to, but because I am highly self-conscious about my body.

I always wear pants around him. I always make sure I am totally covered up because I have extremely bad scaring on my legs and my thighs.

It's not like little scars. It's bad and sometimes they drain fluid and it's just disgusting. The last boyfriend I had broke up with because he said I repulsed him.

I have them because of a condition that I have. I really like my boyfriend, but I'm thinking about breaking up with him, because I can't face it to tell him and get rejected. It would hurt to much.

I guess my question is have any of you had something you were scared to tell your boyfriend? How did he react?

Should I cut my losses and break up with him first?

Don't give me if he loved you, he'd accept you speech.  Would you accept a man with bad scarring that leaks? Probably not.

So give me honest answers. Thanks

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