Embracing Your Awesome

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So last night we did the whole embracing our weird. But tonight as I go through the sister submissions- yes I will get to everyone. I haven't forgot. Im doing them in order unless it's a basic question.

But as I go through them I think sometimes we as young women don't realize how awesome we truly are. And what we share awesomeness with people who don't deserve it. Guys, friends, etc.

So I want us to do something. Name three reasons we why we are awesome and vow from this day forth to only share our awesome with lovers and friends who deserve it. I think this will
Save us a lot of heartbreak in the long run. When someone does something where you feel hurt or violated, immediately remove yourself and remind yourself they don't deserve your awesome. No more second or third chances. They get 1 chance.

I'll start--- let's not do physical traits we'll save that for another embracing series.

I'm awesome because
1. I have a giving heart. In a world of people who don't care about others, the fact that I do makes me awesome.

2. I created this book and because of it so much positivity and love is spreading in my sisters lives!!!❤️

3. And lastly I'm awesome because im not a quitter no matter how hard something is. Whether it's school or life. I might get knocked down but not for too long

And a bonus- I'm
Awesome because I believe I'm awesome and honestly that's all it takes. I don't need permission or for someone to say- hey des you're awesome. As long as I believe I am, I am.

Your turn!

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