Sister Submission

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Thanks you guys for all your date suggestions yesterday. I'll let you know what I decide.

Also thank you  guys for all your submissions. How are you guys liking them so far? Do you think they're necessary? Do they help? I hope so. 😄

Also this book will not tolerate any negativity toward people who submit. This is an uplifting safe zone, take negativity and judgment somewhere else. If you don't have anything nice or encouraging to say-- keep quiet and don't kill the rest of the groups vibe.

Here's the new submission below. This is an anonymous one.

Here it is: I need some advice on how to approach someone with an issue I have with them. Now the person I have a problem with omg we've been through it! The fights, the lies, the makeups, the bomb sex (don't judge lol)  the "I love yous" just ugh! I've decided to forgive him cause that's what you foolishly do when you love and have feelings for someone you forgive.  Til this day I stupidly still have feeling for this man even though I know I shouldn't. We're still cool we talk and hangout  sometimes. I don't wait around hoping he'll wake the hell up and see me I still do me don't get me wrong 😌 but whenever we do have our conversation I be dying to just tell him what's on my mind when it comes to our past and sometimes he do bring it up and I keep quiet and let him say what he gotta say and sometimes he hurts my feelings. I have a bad history of popping off on people without thinking first lol so please give me advice on how to have a calm adult conversation cause I feel like I'm gonna blow up!
Side note: Should I tell him I still have feelings for him?? 😕😕😕

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