Women Dont Get Mind Fucked

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Omg, I literally want to vomit. Monique the comedian and actress has a podcast with her husband. Called Open Relationship.

And I cannot. I can't take this serious. I don't care what she says. This is nothing more than a woman with severely low self-esteem who was willing to accept crumbs to keep a man.

Now yes there are people with open relationships and that's fine if it's mutual if that's what you agree with. To each it's own.

But knowing Monique's background, being molested by her brother and her family not caring, being in two abusive marriages, And being a big girl,  no matter how confident she seemed, when I listen to this podcast I see a lost woman.

It highly bothered me that she called her husband daddy. But I know older women who do that. So whatever. Maybe it's generational, I know a lot of you play like that on here. But I'm sorry I would never call my man daddy. I got one that's enough.

Anyway, what killed me was where she said she didn't know how to properly clean herself until she met her husband. Like yo, you're 48 and it took your third husband to teach you how to wash? 🤔
And just the vibe between them. It reminds me of a friend I had who finally got the guy of her dreams. And he wanted an open relationship. So she claimed she did. But when they broke up, she revealed she only said that so he Would stay. And that didn't even keep him.

Listen I understand people have untraditional relationships and women who love their men. But never make a man your God. I love Lauren hill to bits. But she was with one of bob marleys sons for forever. Had all these kids by him. Stopped doing music. Adopted his way of life.

Only for him to leave her and marry a white woman. Please note, he never married Lauren.

All I'm saying is girls be careful. Don't let a dude mind fuck you, where you are following him like you are in some cult. And anybody who tries to tell you different, you think their jealous.

Love yourself enough to walk away if a guy is only half assing it with you.

They'll tell you stuff like we should have an open relationship not because they love you, but because they don't and want to do what they want to do.

It's like those women who say they are fine with not being married, knowing damn well they want to be married. I'm not saying all women,!
Because some genuinely don't. But there are women who just accept it, because they don't want to make trouble with their man.

If it's mutual fine, but never force yourself to get crumbs when you want a full meal.


Listen to her podcast. Google Monique podcast open relationship. The link should come up, scroll down to the first episode and tell me what you think.

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