Sister Submission- help making friends

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I believe the name is mlgvet18. Tag her y'all.


I've always had this thing where I knew plenty of people and vise versa. I'm the type of person who is really friendly and open to everyone.  Although I know a lot of people I have only a few that I can actually call friends.

I find myself not being able to make REAL friends because of the fear of rejection and trust issues. I have had people tell me they're my friend but not talk to me out of school, check on me, or just act like a real friend.

Also I've never been the type to have a squad or crew so I talk to any and everyone. I look around and I see teens my same age that are very social and have a place to fit in. I'm not popular or a lame which makes me feel like I'm stuck in the middle. This leaves me with no one in the end.

I always feel left out and feel like I have no one to turn to. I only text/call about three or four people because i just can't find myself talking to people. I also don't text/call many people because I feel like I'm annoying, so I don't even bother. I'm not confident enought to become real friends with someone. I don't feel cool enough or good enough so I just keep to myself when it comes to getting close to someone. I don't approach a crush I have because I'm scared to either be rejected or let down after the move.

Even if my crush is a good friend I still find myself not being able to talk to him. I never feel good enough to approach crushes because of the way I dress, the way I look, and expectations he may have.

I need advice telling me how to boost my confidence so I won't be so afraid of rejection and being let down. I want to be able to approach a crush and make friends like normal people. I also need advice on how to learn how to love myself so I can get that confidence I need to "love" others.

Sorry if I was all over the place.

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