Im So Glad I stopped The foolery

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Yo can I just say I am so glad I stopped the social media foolery. I look back now at people arguing over and defending people they will only meet through a meet and greet. And I mean they are so passionate too.

I didn't notice how much time I invested in someone else's life that didn't even know my name.

So glad I did away with that. Its foolish now looking from the outside. And I am so much more productive in my actual life. I guess if you're bored and don't have anything else to do it's fine.

But I realized if I invested the amount of time I spent on that, in myself how much more productive I could be and I actually am.

Yes it's cool to talk and discuss, but when it just gets out of control, that's when you have to say whoa- what am I doing.

I urge all of you to evaluate how much time you spend invested in your favorite celeb vs. how much time you invest in yourself and switch the two.

spend the extra time working toward your dream. Or hanging with actual friends. Or just invest in some positivity and see how much more beautiful life is.

It's going to be hard at first, but I promise it will be rewarding.

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