Daily Check- In/ Date Help!!

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Just wanted to see how everyone's day went.

Also I wanted you guys to help me out. So I haven't really seen my guy all week because like I said he works and teaches. So it's kinda difficult to do that during the week he's so busy. It makes me sorta sad but bae gotta be great, so I gotta let him. 😔😂😂😂

Anyway, we talk everyday and today was no different. I talked to him today and I asked him how he was and he seemed a bit down and irritated. He seemed to be in one of those moods where he didn't really feel like talking about it.

We almost got into a semi-argument because whatever he is going through he was sorta taking it out on me by giving me this cold sorta demeanor. Like his answers were very short and I was getting a vibe he didn't really feel like talking.

I said it has to be more than stress, what's really wrong? And he kinda got irritated and was like- just stop asking. Damn. So I said whatever and hung up.

About five minutes later he called but I didn't pick up. Ass.🙄

So he sent me a text basically apologizing just saying some thing happened at work today and he just doesn't want to give it more energy by talking about it. And he sent a pic of him with a sad face asking me to forgive him and call him back. 😍🤗

I'm so sad I know. I shouldn't have called back, but I couldn't resist the cute face. 😂😂😂

Anyway, I want to plan a surprise date for him Saturday to ease his stress. But I'm at a lost. I don't want to do normal stuff like a movie or dinner.

I wanna do something fun.

Give me some ideas guys--- and no QueenLiyaah sex is not an option. 😂😂

No freaky stuff y'all. Good, clean fun.

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