Speak and Live Your Truth

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I honestly didn't think that many people would support this book. Seeing as this has nothing to do with the other one.

But seeing people actually commenting brilliant opinions, it's like wow.

I just want to sincerely thank everybody that supported me. Thank everybody that even if you didn't agree with my opinion, you still felt I should be able to speak mine.

Like last night for me was literally heartbreaking because it felt like-- you know how you date a guy that everybody around you has an opinion about. And you defend him to the death of you. Believing that they are wrong. But then he does this thing and you realize, it's like wow they were right all along. And so you feel stupid for ever believing.

I'm not saying the situation is entirely that. But to go so hard for someone, only to found out they weren't the person you thought. And to be told you're fake and not loyal simply because your eyes became open, is truly crushing.

But it's nothing more than manipulation. Trying to get you to back down from where you stand. You will encounter this manipulation every where you turn in life.

1. In relationships when you try to leave a guy that you know is horrible, but he'll tell you, you're stupid for listening to your family. And you'll never find someone like me. When it wasn't your family who made you come
To that conclusion, you just finally saw the real.

2. In society as a black woman when you try to speak. Black men and emote people will say if you speak passionately you're angry. When in reality you aren't angry. They just hope by saying that you shrivel up like a dry raisin in the corner in silence and so you won't be labeled angry.

3. In the media --- look at the pic
In the m/m. If you've seen the video you clearly know what happened, but look at how they twisted and turned that photo to make it look like she was beating on this poor White cop. 

This is what people do y'all. They twist and mold things to be what they want them to be. And what can you do as a response to that --- continue to speak and live your truth. Not caring who gets mad. You need no ones approval but yours and your creator.

Yesterday, although  an insignificant situation showed what type of women my "celebs" (they know who they are) will be. Strong willed, strong minded and unrelenting in an opinion when someone attacks. It's a broader lesson for life. Never lose that. Speak and be fucking sure of what you speak.

Because if it was up to the people that see what's going on, even those you thought were homies, and say nothing. We'd still be in the fields picking cotton somewhere. No we came from people who spoke up and proud when they felt they were right. Even if it comes them their lives and sometimes it did.

If we come from that y'all, this other stuff is gravy.

Love all my celebs on here!!! ❤️

Comment and tell me what you want to talk about. No QueenLiyaah no freaky stuff. Lol. 😂


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